This agreement form is for community service participants who have been approved for on-site service in Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia.
Volunteer Services
While completing required service hours through the Community Service Program, or any other community based or service-learning programs administered by Goodwill, participants must follow the policies and procedures of Goodwill Industries of Tenneva Area, Inc. This includes Goodwill’s Code of Ethics and Accountability. Community Service Program participants must be at least 16 years of age, adjudicated, and recommended for community service. Individuals referred to the program must not have violent offenses. Individuals with current or adjudicated charges of assault/battery, child abuse, domestic abuse, murder, rape, sexual violence offense, or a charge with the aggravated designation due to violence or use of a weapon of any kind are not eligible for community service placement with Goodwill.
Participants who do not follow all Goodwill policies and procedures may be asked to leave the Goodwill-controlled premises or have their participation in the Community Service Program terminated. Your referral agency contact will be notified of any incidents. By typing your digital signature(s) below and submitting this form, you and/or your parent/legal guardian (if applicable) acknowledge and agree to the following:
1. Release of Information:
I and/or my parent/legal guardian (if applicable) authorize the Referral Agency to release or disclose to Goodwill of Tenneva information from my court records regarding my charges to determine eligibility for the program.
2. Conduct/Appearance: Professionalism while on any Goodwill-controlled property is mandatory. No inappropriate conduct or language will be tolerated. The appearance standard for community service participants is the same as for all retail employees and volunteers. Refer to the Appearance Standard for Participants in Volunteer Programs policy statement for required attire and personal appearance guidelines. I and/or my parent/legal guardian (if applicable) understand that the following actions will result in my immediate dismissal from Goodwill of Tenneva’s Community Service Program.
- Reporting to the location to which I am assigned under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Stealing or diverting donated items and/or Goodwill of Tenneva property.
- Engaging in violent, disrespectful or harassing behaviors to individuals on-site.
- Continued failure to clock in and clock out during times of service.
Please note this is not an exhaustive list. Disciplinary actions will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Team Leads and Supervisors can remove a participant from the location premises and recommend dismissal from the program for any and all violations of Goodwill policies and procedures.
3. Participant Duties and Mobile Phone Usage: Participant duties may vary by location and may include but are not limited to accepting and processing donations; cleaning the facility; grading or hanging textiles; pulling, straightening, and stocking items; or running carts of processed items for display or transport. Mobile phones may be used only during your break or lunch times if applicable. Mobile phones are not allowed on sales or processing floors. Please keep your phone secured in your vehicle if you drive to a Goodwill location. If not, mobile phones are to be secured in the location’s breakroom with the ringer set to silent mode.
4. Breaks and Lunches: If your shift is for 6 or more hours, you are allowed a 30-minute lunch break. You are required to clock in/out for your 30-minute lunch break. Time records will be checked by the Community Service Program Coordinator and will be adjusted to reflect a .5 deduction if a lunch break is not recorded during a 6-hour shift. If you are on the schedule less than 6 hours, you are not required to take a lunch break. All other break times are at the discretion of your Goodwill Team Lead or Supervisor. If you leave the property for any reason, you must clock in and out.
5. Shopping: Neither you nor your family members are allowed to shop while scheduled to complete service hours at a Goodwill Retail Store. Neither you nor your family members are allowed to shop at the store to which you are assigned on the day you provide service. You and your family members may shop on a day that you are not providing service hours at the store. Items cannot be held for you at any Goodwill location.
6. Safety and Security: You must follow all safety and security procedures and protocols as instructed by your Goodwill Team Lead or Supervisor, including all public health and safety measures. You must report any unsafe working conditions or breaches of security to your Team Lead or Supervisor immediately.
7. Accommodations: Program participants who self-disclose emotional, cognitive, developmental, health, mental, or physical performance limitations and who request reasonable accommodations to complete assigned duties will be referred to Client Services by the Goodwill Team Lead or Supervisor before those duties and/or service hours are performed. Appropriate supporting documentation must be provided by the program participant upon request by Client Services.
8. Photo Identification: Your identity must be verified before any service hours can be performed at a Goodwill location. A copy of your driver’s license or other valid photo ID must be submitted to the Community Services Program Coordinator. Your ID will be placed on file with your Goodwill Team Lead or Supervisor. You must present your valid ID to the Team Lead or Supervisor upon arrival to perform your initial service hours.
9. Time Clock Procedure: You must clock in and out on the Time Clock Wizard application or your service hours will not be verified. You will be provided with your clock in/out credentials prior to starting your on-site service hours along with a brief procedural guide for the Time Clock Wizard punch tablet at your location. You will be responsible for your own clock in/out times and your lunch break clock in/out times using the 4-digit PIN provided to you. You will also be required to have your photo captured each time you clock in and out on the secure mounted tablet at the store location. The Community Services Program Coordinator will verify your hours and correct any clock in/out discrepancies. Should you need a copy of your hours, one will be provided to you by the Community Services Program Coordinator. If you require a verification of your completed community service hours for an upcoming court appearance, a request must be made to the Community Services Program Coordinator no later than two (2) working days prior to the court appearance.
10. Attendance: You are required to perform a minimum of one hour of service each time you are on-site, but no more than 40 hours of service during any one week to meet your community service obligation. You must arrive on time for your community service shifts and clock in. You must notify the Goodwill Team Lead or Supervisor and clock out before you leave the property for any reason. Continued failure to clock in and out may lead to your dismissal from the program.
11. Online Training Credits: You must complete an online Client Services Data Survey, time keeping instructions, and five online learning modules before performing any service hours at Goodwill. The required learning modules are Goodwill 101, Attitude in the Workplace, Basic Customer Service, Self-Presentation in the Workplace, and Workplace Safety. Award of community service credit for online courses is at the discretion of the referral agency or court. It is your responsibility to check with your referral contact to confirm that successful completion of these five modules will count for community service credit. You must complete the online training within 30 days of the day the online training is assigned. If you have a court deadline within that 30-day period, online training must be completed immediately. Failure to do so will result in deactivation from the online learning system.
12. On-Site Service: You must start your on-site service within 90 days of successful completion of your online training, submission of this agreement form, and photo ID. If you have a court deadline within that 90-day period, your on-site service must start immediately. If you do not begin your on-site service within 90 days of online training completion, you will be deactivated in the Time Clock Wizard system and your referral agency will be informed. You will not be allowed to perform on-site hours until you contact the Community Service Program Coordinator to reactivate your account.
13. Single Location Policy: All community service hours must be completed at the location assigned. Requests to change location must be made to the Community Service Program Coordinator and approved by the referral agency.
14. Volunteer Status: I and/or my parent/legal guardian (if applicable) understand that I am not an employee of Goodwill Industries of Tenneva Area, Inc. but act as a volunteer on the premises.
15. Liability Release: I and/or my parent/legal guardian (if applicable) release Goodwill Industries of Tenneva Area, Inc. from any liability due to personal injury, illness or damage to any personal property while completing requirements of this court-ordered community service at any Goodwill location to which I am assigned.
By typing a digital signature(s) below and clicking to submit this form, I and/or my parent/legal guardian (if applicable) certify that all information supplied in this online form is true and complete as well as acknowledge and agree to all terms and conditions of court-ordered community service with Goodwill Industries of Tenneva Area, Inc.
(Full legal name required)
(Full legal name required if participant is less than 18 years of age as of today or subject to a legal guardianship)